The Music expierence

The Music expierence
I love the life I have been given, I just do not love the body in which I live it. I am a prisoner, handcuffed to food. I want out. It's time to take control and maybe this is my way of doing so. I have never blogged nor did I intend to. Somehow I thought this might help me in my journey. I want to shed pounds. I have tried every diet known to man, yet somehow...I get heavier. So heavy in fact that it is now difficult for me to find energy to do anything let alone attempt to work out. Follow me through my journey and maybe, just maybe I can make it to my destination with your support. I will talk about everything that is on my mind, not just issues dealing with being heavy. I am going to talk about whatever is on my mind. Some things may be really personal, and some things may be funny but nothing is off limits for me....hope you can hang with me... I would love for you to be with me.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day 8: Guess-tim-ation doesn't work

Who said kids foods cant be eaten? I counted all of my tater tots and my chicken
First I put a bowl on my plate and filled it with salad...then my yummy crunchy, perfectly cooked green and yellow beans with my Special sauce that I made up on a whim...turned out FABULOUS! 12 tater tots and 5 chicken nu-nuts (that is what Hayden and Miriam call them). I started with my salad. For every two bites of veggies and salad, I allowed myself one tater tot and one nu-nut. All together my total dinner calories were around 800. That is a lot at one sitting, but I think I did well for the rest of the day. I didnt have ice cream and I didnt have any desert. HEY...I'm a work in progress peeps...not fluent at eating well yet...but I will get there. Now, my goal for today is to try not to eat everything on my plate. I managed to get breakfast in...Oatmeal with half the sugar and no milk. My breakfast calories were a total of 220...and it held me over till noon. Then I ate chimichangas with Hayden...not too smart of me to eat then read the calories...I ate two of them and each of them had a whopping calorie count of 310 calories a piece...OUCH! That will teach me to "gues-timate". That brings my total for the day up past 1000...1100 when you count the ranch that I dipped my chimi into.....Hey, I know what you are thinking and I just have to say...I didnt make these fat girls overnight, and Im not going to lose them overnight. If I feed them with things they like at times, they are less likely to drag my ass down. (blowing raspberries...TTTTTTThhhhhhhhpppppppp) SO THere!
I have also managed to get walking in on a daily basis. Not a lot, but more than I normally would. I would say about 20 minutes a day. I will work on that too!
MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOving On!....ha ha ha...get it...Moo-ving ....baaaahhhhaaa haaa

Ok, so on a different note, I was invited to my cousins Halloween party (It was a pity invite, I know you!) I have also come to the greatest costume EVER! It will cost me a total of $3.00 to sewing, no hot glue....just tying and cutting. I am so excited! If I make the entire family the same thing, it will cost about: $12-$15 cause I can save money by buying things in
Talk about budget friendly! Woop Woop!
Time to go cuddle my boy and spend some quality time with him.~ Malisa

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