I did not post this weekend...in case you didnt notice. My house seems to be a breeding ground for germs and illness at this moment. We all were down for the count yesterday and I didnt feel like peeling my body off the couch to post. I did eat well though. I made a yummy veggie and turkey lasagna on friday and ended up eating it on saturday for brunch and dinner. I know what you are thinking...where is your breakfast...? Saturday mornings are kind of busy and my three year old daughter has tap and ballet class so the morning is busy and we fly out the door. Starting this coming saturday, my 5 year old daughter will join her and begin tap and ballet as well. I tried getting Hayden to go, but he wouldnt do it. Bummer. As for yesterday...I caved. I ate what the kids were eating because I didnt feel like standing up any longer to make a better choice for myself. I ate Mac-n-cheese and pizza for dinner. Not a great day for me, but I tried to redeem myself by making a better decision for today. SO far, so good. I did eat a pancake...just one cause that sucker has over 200 calories in it...WTF? Really? (shaking head in astonishment)
Looks like I'm taking the day off from school today too. Im staying home with my sick kids and recuperating myself.
I promise to make a better choice in food today but I can not promise any activity because I feel like my spine is about to crumble with the achenes and I just wanna lay on the couch and reign control of the remote while I have it. I am going to drink hot tea again today and pray that it helps as it did yesterday. I have given up coffee altogether. I like it with too much creamer and sugars...tea is a nice tasty replacement and it has ZERO calories people! Coffee alone is calorie free as well, but I do not know anyone who drinks it black...eeew. Honestly, I forgot how much I love tea. Mint tea, raspberry, chamomile, apple cinnamon,....mmmm its tasty. Actually, It sounds pretty intriguing and I think I will have some and find my place on the couch with my kiddos. Tomorrows post will be better...I hope. I have lots to say and somehow when I get on here I forget everything I wanted to.
Meanwhile, I posted a link on FB about McDonalds that I think we should all watch. Here is the link again:
The Music expierence

I love the life I have been given, I just do not love the body in which I live it. I am a prisoner, handcuffed to food. I want out. It's time to take control and maybe this is my way of doing so. I have never blogged nor did I intend to. Somehow I thought this might help me in my journey. I want to shed pounds. I have tried every diet known to man, yet somehow...I get heavier. So heavy in fact that it is now difficult for me to find energy to do anything let alone attempt to work out. Follow me through my journey and maybe, just maybe I can make it to my destination with your support. I will talk about everything that is on my mind, not just issues dealing with being heavy. I am going to talk about whatever is on my mind. Some things may be really personal, and some things may be funny but nothing is off limits for me....hope you can hang with me... I would love for you to be with me.
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There is a newer product on the market called stevia. It is calorie free and natural sweetener and it doesnt have any negative side effects. Trader joes sells it in powder form for a reasonable amount. Its great in coffee. Or Torani has lots of sugar free syrups you can try too. The stevia is great because you can bake with it.