This morning I could hardly get out of bed. I felt like I had been beaten and was unable to move for a period of time. Walking proved to be a chore. My back hurts so bad that I can not stand up straight and can only walk kinda hunched and crooked. This is getting really old, really fast. How can I get motivated if I can't move? I tried to stretch and un-tighten some of my muscles, but my back hurts so bad that I just want to cry. It literally feels like someone kicked me super hard in the lower back. I guess today is my "complaining" day. Someone feel sorry for me cause I can't do it
Ok, enough about how much I hurt. I'm going grocery shopping tomorrow and have vowed to make a healthy shopping list. We'll see how that works out and what is on sale. I have a budget people. I have to make my monies stretch. I told my husband last night that I am done with blizzards and DQ. I love ice cream and the cold hard fact of the matter is that it doesn't love me back. Besides the fact that it rips my tummy to shreds, it also adds more fat to my body that I have to deal with. I'm done. I hope that my will is strong enough to say no when he asks me if I want something from their...I do love me some ice cream. mmmmmmmmmmm.
I think I have figured out that it is time for me to step it up and really start to take control over what goes into my body. I don't eat red meat unless its from Taco Bell....mmmm Tacos......I don't eat fish or anything that comes from the water...kinda sad cause it is super healthy. This is where my cookbook would come in handy. It's hard to make something super healthy out of what is left at the end of the month. I need to know that I can go into the kitchen and cook whatever i wanted and it would be a healthier version of such luck. I love to cook, but dont get it confused with Have to cook. They are two different things. I have to cook every day for the kids, and I dont always like to. That is when I resort to the corn dogs and french fry nights....sorry honey, no steak for you. LOL Not that I make it anyway.
Anyone got any good, healthy, simple recipes that I could make from the stuff that is already on my shelf? Now, that is what I am talkin about.
Well, looks like I need to go play referee. I hear screaming and crying from two different kids. One who is sick and the other who is just a booger! Until tomorrow.
The Music expierence

I love the life I have been given, I just do not love the body in which I live it. I am a prisoner, handcuffed to food. I want out. It's time to take control and maybe this is my way of doing so. I have never blogged nor did I intend to. Somehow I thought this might help me in my journey. I want to shed pounds. I have tried every diet known to man, yet somehow...I get heavier. So heavy in fact that it is now difficult for me to find energy to do anything let alone attempt to work out. Follow me through my journey and maybe, just maybe I can make it to my destination with your support. I will talk about everything that is on my mind, not just issues dealing with being heavy. I am going to talk about whatever is on my mind. Some things may be really personal, and some things may be funny but nothing is off limits for me....hope you can hang with me... I would love for you to be with me.
Hang in there. Remember that this too shall pass. You can do this, you are a strong, courageous, motivated woman, and you have got this.
ReplyDeleteOh, and, sparkpeople has loads of recipes for us budget shoppers.
ReplyDeleteok, you love tacos, try it with ground turkey, tastes just as good, and way less fat in the pan than beef. Just make them like you would with beef. or you can make them with ground chicken. If I see you friday at kims Ill give you some of my recipes. I am working on low cholesterol as my husband has to take medication. I also TRY to do low cal but doesnt always work. I tend to cook like Paula Deen with lots of butter =)
ReplyDeleteYep I have lots of recipies here too. The key to "low fat" and or "low calorie" is SPICE. It doesnt have to be spicy, but it DOES have to TASTE WONDERFUL (or why eat it? right?).
ReplyDeleteOther rule, which I agree is very hard at the end of the month is RAINBOW. Your plate must have colors. WHITE is NOT a color. White means that there is FLOUR AND WATER.. do you know what flour and water does in a cup? Put flour and water in a cup, let it sit for a day or two. It doesnt come out very easy, it turns to GLUE! And it sticks to our BUTT!
Saying that " I LOVE BREAD" < thats my pitfall.
My favorite recipie book is Weight Watchers. It does have a lot of ingredients, but every thing is pretty healthy.
You need to know how many calories a day you need. You and I, we need over 2000 calories. Which is a lot for a nice skinny healthy person. but we need that just to survive. Have you seen a nutritionalist? I was suprised to fing out i wasnt eating enough! I was "starving" myself.. who knew?!?
Well cant wait to see you Friday :) Bring something made with LOVE to share :)
Malisa... I am on this journey with you & love your blogs. Very raw & honest... no holds barred & that is exactly what you need to be with yourself... I really think you writing this down will really help you sort your journey out to become successful. I am making progress, but only fitness wise, not so much food wise. I did really well the 1st 3 months but am falling back into old routines quickly... mainly caused by stress (with Levi) so I turn to comfort foods. My only salvation right now is the bootcamp... that is God's gift to me, for if I were not doing bootcamp, I would have lost everything I've worked so hard for. I don't look for the weight loss or inches lost... I know that every step I take in the right direction will better my life... and I stumble, but don't let it get the better of me. Once you find that one thing that works for you... it will be like a gift from God. That's what bootcamp is for me, and I know that it is not for everyone, but it is for me. Keep on keeping on girlfriend, it will happen for you & seeing the comments on your blogs, you have many great friends & family on your side... who love you regardless, but really all want to see you happy!! I love ya girl!!
ReplyDeleteLadies, I love you all and I thank you for reading my rants of randomness. It makes me happy to know that I have you all in my life and I love you for being here for me.
ReplyDeleteAngie, you have always made me feel better and knowing that you and I have shared lots of struggles with weightloss even with SP, makes our friendship a stronger one, because we know of each others struggles. I have never met you, but I love you bunches.
Amy, I love ground Turkey and ground chicken. I dont buy red meat at all. I have a ton of hamburger patties in my freezer that was given to me, but Im not going to eat them. I only enjoy them if they are BBQ'd and since Im the one that cooks...I aint cookin them. I would love to get together and sit down and try to swap recipes that taste great and are healthy. You, kim and I should really try to put something together. I can't wait to see you on friday...I feel like a little kid at christmas. :)
Kim, All these years and you still rock sista! My nutritionist said the same thing..I need to eat more and stop 'starving' myself. That is why I said I needed to get back on track with eating regularly. Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack,dinner and a small really does work, it is just that I feel like I am always thinking about food...UGH! I will bring something made with love, but I will also try to make it healthier but just as tasty!
See you friday...smooches!
Lisa, lady lady lady...I am sorry you are going through such a hard time with Levi. What a booger. I look at Hayden sometimes and pray that he makes smart choices and doesnt hurt me like that or like my brother does my mom. As it is, he is defiant and a smart mouth and he is only 3. It pisses me off to be honest, but I know my limits and I refuse to hit. I know I suffer from a bit of PTSD because of dealing with Savannah's behaviors for so long, but I can not even compare my issues with what you are going through with levi. Hang in there woman and know that I always have your back. You are practically are family and I am blessed that you are. Big hugs lis, and stay strong and continue with your boot camp. It's something. You can do it, I know you can. Love you!