I have to say right off the bat that I am so proud of one tiny accomplishment that I have made. When I say tiny I mean tiny, but it is a positive for me which makes is a greater accomplishment. My husband has an entire mouth full of sweet teeth and has to have something sugary everyday. In fact, I often joke about him passing up regular food for cookies and cakes and such...honestly though, it is sooooooo true. He eats more sugar than anyone I know. Anyhooo, last night he asked me if I wanted Dairy Queen because he was going and I told him NO! (singing) I said no-oh, I said no-oh....(happy butt dance) Woop Woop! One small step for Malisa, one giant step for my fello FAT peeps! I cant tell you the last time I willingly said no to a blizzard....it's just so perfect. Never-mind the fact that the milk product plays havoc on my tummy not to mention causes my blood sugars to be on the higher side. It also contributes to my weight gain....I know right? Whooda thought! Pppfffffttt! Hand slap to the the forehead...............HELLO! DUH!
Even though it was one night, it is a start. Everyone has to start somewhere and I am starting with the higher of my evils...The Queen! Im breaking up with you DQ...I don't want to see you for a long long time (although I have to pass her every day, several times a day...she's a block away). I can see you, but I am not going to date you any longer. You and I are not a good couple and you only bring me happiness for a few minutes and then you always bring me down. You don't help me with my self-esteem and you certainly are not helping my pants fit any better. Its time I realize that you are just not good for me or my health. You are poison, you lure me in with your sweetness and promises of enjoyment and then BAM!, you knock me down again. I feel worse about myself after I have been with you and it is time I stop torturing myself. I am leaving you. I'm done and I'm taking my kids with me. You are not going to poison them like you do me. You will not give them false promises and bring them down. The only way I can show them your ways is to stay away and start building a healthier foundation for us by dating other foods. Goodbye my love, I will miss you- some. Maybe one day we can see each other again, but not until you get healthy or I get healthy, which ever comes first. Until then, my love...this is goodbye.
The Music expierence

I love the life I have been given, I just do not love the body in which I live it. I am a prisoner, handcuffed to food. I want out. It's time to take control and maybe this is my way of doing so. I have never blogged nor did I intend to. Somehow I thought this might help me in my journey. I want to shed pounds. I have tried every diet known to man, yet somehow...I get heavier. So heavy in fact that it is now difficult for me to find energy to do anything let alone attempt to work out. Follow me through my journey and maybe, just maybe I can make it to my destination with your support. I will talk about everything that is on my mind, not just issues dealing with being heavy. I am going to talk about whatever is on my mind. Some things may be really personal, and some things may be funny but nothing is off limits for me....hope you can hang with me... I would love for you to be with me.
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