Ladies, I love you all and I thank you for reading my rants of randomness. It makes me happy to know that I have you all in my life and I love you for being here for me.
Angie, you have always made me feel better and knowing that you and I have shared lots of struggles with weightloss even with SP, makes our friendship a stronger one, because we know of each others struggles. I have never met you, but I love you bunches. I think you played a larger roll in me finding my way back towards GOD then you know. Thank you.
Amy, I love ground Turkey and ground chicken. I dont buy red meat at all. I have a ton of hamburger patties in my freezer that was given to me, but Im not going to eat them. I only enjoy them if they are BBQ'd and since Im the one that cooks...I aint cookin them. I would love to get together and sit down and try to swap recipes that taste great and are healthy. You, kim and I should really try to put something together. I can't wait to see you on friday...I feel like a little kid at christmas. :)
Kim, All these years and you still rock sista! My nutritionist said the same thing..I need to eat more and stop 'starving' myself. That is why I said I needed to get back on track with eating regularly. Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack,dinner and a small really does work, it is just that I feel like I am always thinking about food...UGH! I will bring something made with love, but I will also try to make it healthier but just as tasty!
See you friday...smooches!
Lisa, lady lady lady...I am sorry you are going through such a hard time with Levi. What a booger. I look at Hayden sometimes and pray that he makes smart choices and doesnt hurt me like that or like my brother does my mom. As it is, he is defiant and a smart mouth and he is only 3. It pisses me off to be honest, but I know my limits and I refuse to hit. I know I suffer from a bit of PTSD because of dealing with Savannah's behaviors for so long, but I can not even compare my issues with what you are going through with levi. Hang in there woman and know that I always have your back. You are practically are family and I am blessed that you are. Big hugs lis, and stay strong and continue with your boot camp. It's something. You can do it, I know you can. Love you!
The Music expierence

I love the life I have been given, I just do not love the body in which I live it. I am a prisoner, handcuffed to food. I want out. It's time to take control and maybe this is my way of doing so. I have never blogged nor did I intend to. Somehow I thought this might help me in my journey. I want to shed pounds. I have tried every diet known to man, yet somehow...I get heavier. So heavy in fact that it is now difficult for me to find energy to do anything let alone attempt to work out. Follow me through my journey and maybe, just maybe I can make it to my destination with your support. I will talk about everything that is on my mind, not just issues dealing with being heavy. I am going to talk about whatever is on my mind. Some things may be really personal, and some things may be funny but nothing is off limits for me....hope you can hang with me... I would love for you to be with me.
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I ll try and type some recipes up and bring them to kim's. See you in a few days! Keep up the good work. BTW, I was seraching through on demand for a work out video to try the other day. ironically I was eating a bag of doritos at the same time. Im such a dork! I had good intentions. =)